Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Veteran's Day Parade

The Superheroes have been very busy the past few weeks trying to make a difference in Nevada.  We have had two major missions lately.  One is a food drive for the local food bank, which I will tell you about tomorrow so check back in then, and last night’s mission which was to thank our local Veterans for their service.

To take a step back a bit it was a couple of weeks ago I received a call from a person that was putting together the local Veteran’s Day parade and asked if the Superheroes would be a part of the celebration, they did not know yet in what capacity but they wanted us there.  To say I was excited to get the Superheroes involved would be an understatement to say the least.  So the stage was set and wheels were in motion to get the Superheroes in their first parade!  After attending a meeting or two we figured out what we were going to do and we were ready.

It was a frigid evening but we bundled up and joined several other students, teachers, and parents from St. Mary’s and walked in the parade.  We waved our flags and waved at all the people watching the parade from the sidewalk.  After we completed the parade route we readied ourselves for the big moment.  We sang the National Anthem said the Pledge of Allegiance and listen to a few people speak about their service and what it means to be a Veteran.  It was then our turn to give our thanks.
When Mayor Leonard announced us we came out of nowhere and swooped in to give each of the honored Veteran’s from WWII a carnation, which were donated to us from May’s Floral a BIG THANK YOU goes out to them!! .  We not only gave them a flower and a smile but a few got hugs and handshakes from the Superheroes and hopefully a memory and a sense of appreciation for all they have done for this country.  I know the Superheroes are young and might not get the entire concept of what the Veterans have done for them but they do get the fact that they are great people and deserved to be thanked.  I could not be any happier than I was last night with my Superheroes and what we did.  It makes me smile still today thinking about it and it will for a long time coming.

One extra note before I end the blog today, I want to add one other short story about something I saw after the Superheroes were done.  After we handed out flowers to all the WWII Veterans we had enough for each Superhero to take one home.  I know they were all very happy to have their own flower but I know one that didn’t take his home.  I saw his mom lean over and talk to him and I do not know what was said but I do know what happened after.  This young Superhero walked over to a young man dressed in his Marine Uniform tapped him on his leg and gave him his flower and said thank you.  The Marine kneeled down and thanked the young Superhero and shook his hand.  He then again stood at attention to watch the rest of the ceremony, I did see him turn to the person he was with say something and then smile.  Right then and there I knew that my Superheroes, Nevada’s Superheroes, are making a difference!!  I said I couldn’t be prouder than I am right now and that is true, I am so blessed to work with the Superheroes and I hope one day you all are touched by them.
I will end this blog like I do all the others asking you to be Superheroes yourself.  A simple smile, opening a door, a thank you to the person that helped you out that is all it takes.  Today November 13, 2012 is World Kindness Day so make sure you make a special effort to make everyone you meet smile.  We can’t all wear the cape but you can make a difference, but seriously how cool are those capes!!

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