So this week was Random Acts of Kindness Week and to the Superheroes that is a week to get busy spreading kindness and that is exactly what we did. Though the week started off with a little snowy weather on Monday and some rain on Wednesday the warmth of the hearts of the Superheroes melted the snow and brought the sun out to stop the rain so we were able to go spread kindness. Well it might not have been the Superheroes hearts that did all the weather changing but I would like to think we had a hand in it.
The Superheroes thought since it was Valentine’s Day week we would hand out some Valentines to some people that do not always get the thanks and recognition they deserve, City Employees!! They work hard every day to make sure that the City of Nevada is safe from fire and bad guys. We did not just want to focus on the Police and Fire though, there are a lot of people at City Hall that work behind the scenes and make sure Nevada is running like a well oiled machine. These are the billing clerks, code enforcement, finance, facilities maintenance, human resources, IT, the city manager and his assistant, all of these people work hard every day to make the city go. So the Superheroes set out to put some smiles on these hard working men and women’s faces. We put on our capes grabbed our hearts, that we had been working on all last week and set out on our walk to City Hall.
City Hall is a few blocks away from the secret lair so the walk took a bit, but the good thing was we got to spread some bonus happiness along the way. For example on our way to City Hall we were walking down the street and a service person was walking down the sidewalk behind us, of course we aren't the fastest group so he caught up and started chatting with Superhero Braxton. He asked about the Superheroes cape and in return was asked about his camouflage outfit. He asked what we were doing, to which Superhero Braxton replied “I am on a mission to spread Kindness”. This conversation went on for a half a block and as they departed ways he said to the Superhero “Keep up the good work” and the Superhero simply said” Thanks and you keep doing a good job too!” This gentleman had a smile on his face that was priceless and I wish I could have gotten a picture but I think it would have ruined the moment between them.
We did not only encounter people on the street but we peeked into every business window and made sure to wave at all of those inside. Also at every street crossing, which seemed like 100, we waved at the cars that let us fly across without having to worry about hurt. After all of this we finally made it to City Hall. We took off our jackets to reveal our capes and each got a Valentine to pass out.
As we entered City Hall we could hear the ooh and ahhs, something we have gotten used to wearing these cool capes, as they were all surprised to see us. We had a special helper on the inside gather the group together so we could make sure no one was left out and also to make sure it was a total secret. We first thanked all of them for all the hard work they do for the city and gave each one their very own, one of a kind, hand decorated, limited edition Valentine Day heart. We also gave out quite a few hugs to those who wanted them and also answered a few questions about who we are and what we do. As we left we gave a wave and made sure everyone still had a smile on their face. We left City Hall but we were not done spreading the kindness, we still had a couple stops to make.
Our next stop was the Police Station, we know they are heroes in their own sense but we had to show them what kind of heroes we are. Once again we gave everyone their own special heart making sure not to forget the office workers and the detectives back in their offices. We also thought it necessary to give the Chief and extra bit of kindness for all that he does. In return the officers gave us our own badge and a bag of goodies to take home. So now armed with a badge and a cape you would think we would stop but no we had one more stop to make to the fire station we went.
Now who doesn’t like a fireman they have the cool trucks and lots of cool tools they get to use. Both of which we got to see, they even let us sit in the fire truck!! They talked to us about fire safety and answered a few of our toughest questions. We then toured the station a bit and went out front to get a better look at the fire truck from the outside. After we watched them turn on all the lights and stuff the firemen wanted to get their picture taken with us so we let them. I mean we are Superheroes who wouldn’t want their picture with us. I know they have all the cool stuff but I think they were still jealous of our capes. We thanked them for the tour and showing us all their cool stuff and gave each of them a heart as well. We even left a few extras for the guys that weren’t there we wanted them to know we appreciate all they do to even on their day off. On our way out the firefighters also gave us a cool gift, our own fire hats!!
So equipped with a brand new badge, a bag full of goodies, a new fireman’s hat we decided to call it a day. We had given out almost all of our hearts and made every city employee we met that day smile our mission was a total success. When we got back to school we hung up our capes and knew that we had done a great days work. We just hope that everyone we made smile today makes someone else smile telling their story of what happened today. We also hope that the police officers and fire fighters are not too jealous of our awesome capes. I mean they have cool stuff too but seriously, how AWESOME are our capes!!